Shipment pick-ups whenever and wherever you want | FlagShip

Shipment pick-ups whenever and wherever you want

Posted by Tania

Shipment pick-ups can automatically be scheduled through the FlagShip online shipping system when a new shipment is created. If for any reason you do not want a pick-up, you must click “Do not schedule an automatic pickup”.

FlagShip also offers you the freedom to schedule pick-ups independent from the time you create your shipment.

  • Schedule one pick-up at the end of the day for all shipments created that day
  • Create pick-up at a different location for distributions, blind ship / pick-ups
  • Failed pick-ups can try again that day for another time or schedule the pick up for a different day

For FlagShip customers: To schedule a pick-up click the ‘Pickup’ tab and ‘Schedule a pickup’. If one of your pickups fail and you would like to try again for a new time or date, you can do so at the same place.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer service team at 1-866-320-8383 or at