Discounted Shipping Rates for Import Shipments - FlagShip Courier Solutions

Discounted Shipping Rates for Import Shipments

Posted by Tania

Did you know that discount shipping rates apply to shipments originating outside of Canada as well (also known as import shipments)? With FlagShip’s online shipping system, you can process shipments originating from anywhere in the world and still get great rates with either DHL or UPS!

To create international import shipments, simply click on the drop down box the shipper’s country in the “Shipper” section and choose the country that you want to ship to.

The next step is to complete the rest of the address information. Any shipment entering Canada requires export documents. To create a commercial invoice on the FlagShip online shipping system, the following information is needed:

  • Who will pay the duties/taxes
  • The reason for export
  • A detailed description of the product
  • The value (in Canada or U.S. dollars)
  • The country of origin
  • The HS code. If you do not have the HS code for the product, this can be left blank and the broker will find the correct code for you. For any international shipment with a value over $2000.00, it will require a B13 form. Please contact FlagShip customer support for more information on this.

If you do not have your own customs broker, then UPS or FedEx will be able to clear the package. If you are shipping by air, the charge for this is included in the price of the shipment. If you are shipping ground, then the brokerage fees will be billed to your account. Check out our blog post on customs broker for more information on brokerage services.

FlagShip is Canada’s largest online small business shipping solution. Whether you ship domestically or internationally, FlagShip is committed to help you save time and money. Call us for a quote at 1-866-320-8383 or e-mail us