New ‘Favourite Shipment’ Feature | Shipping Features | FlagShip

Shipping Features: New ‘Favourite Shipment’ Feature in FlagShip Shipping System

Posted by Tania

Do you ship the exact same thing multiple times a week to the exact same location?  Are you tired of re-entering ALL the information? Check out one of our new shipping features so you no longer need to worry about that!

FlagShip has implemented a brand new feature in our online shipping system – the Add to favourite button.  By selecting the favourite button the shipment details will be saved for future use to your personalized Favourite Shipments page.

How do I save a shipment as a favourite?

There are two ways to save a shipment as a favourite in FlagShip’s online shipping system.

1. After completing a shipment:

– Once you have entered your shipment in its entirety you will be taken to a shipment confirmation page. At the bottom of the confirmation page you will see the Add to Favourite button in blue.

– Click the Add to Favourite button.

– Your shipment is now set as a favourite!

2. Through the Manage Shipments page:

– Scroll over to the Shipping tab and click on Manage Shipments.

– Find the shipment you want to save and click on the “+More” button to open up the drop down.

– Click on Add to Favourite.

– Your shipment is now set as a favourite!

How can I pull up a favourite shipment?

– Login to FlagShip’s shipping system and scroll over the Shipping tab.

– In the drop down you will see Favourite Shipments.

– Click on the Favourite Shipments.

– When you find the shipment you were looking for, you can select Reuse to create a previously dispatched shipment that will be ready to be quoted.

– As well you can remove that favorite shipment if you wish to do so.

For more information on our shipping features, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer relations team toll-free at 866-320-8383 or email them at